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The Rising Toll of Heart Attacks Among Young Executives: How to Safeguard Your Health While Leading Startups

The Rising Toll of Heart Attacks Among Young Executives: How to Safeguard Your Health While Leading Startups

The sudden loss of Rohan Mirchandani, co-founder of Epigamia at just 41 due to a heart attack is a tragic reminder of a growing issue, heart disease is claiming the lives of young executives especially in high-stress startup environments. The issue is growing as there have been several young entrepreneurs and investors passing away recently from heart attacks. Naturally, this surge in the number of high-pressure incidents calls for closer attention towards the health risks involved for running fast-paced high-pressure companies. Mirchandani’s passing follows a disturbing pattern, with other prominent figures in the startup ecosystem also succumbing to heart attacks in their thirties and forties.

Being passion-driven and success-oriented usually means being health-neglectful. Startup entrepreneurs often lead stressful lives. Some also lose good eating habits, don't exercise much, and can never get to sleep on any particular time. Over a course of time, these increase one's chances of cardiovascular diseases-those that appear when everybody believes one to be fit otherwise. Many executives overlook the early warning signs of heart disease, such as chest pain, shortness of breath, or unexplained fatigue, attributing them to the stress and pressures of work.

How to Protect Your Health While Leading a Startup

• Manage Stress Effectively:

Stress is not avoidable in the startup world, but there needs to be some strategies developed for handling it. The reduction of stress and improvement in mental clarity can be heightened significantly from meditation, yoga, and mindfulness. Breaks during the day can also maintain focus and prevent burnout.

• Exercise Regularly:

Engage in physical activity to help cut down on stress and build overall health. Take some time out for at least 30 minutes a day, whether it's just a walk, a jog, or yoga. All these activities improve heart health, increase energy, and help keep a person at a positive outlook, even during difficult times.

• Eat a Balanced Diet:

A poor diet contributes to heart disease and aggravates stress. Entrepreneurs mostly skip meals or tend to have junk foods in case of a busy schedule. However, one should be able to keep their diet balanced with enough fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Heart-healthy diets would promote energy levels, concentration, and well-being in the body.

• Prioritize Sleep:

Business success often calls for sleep sacrifices, but lack of rest can be harmful to your health. It is known that chronic sleep deprivation has resulted in a boost in the production of stress hormones and leads to higher susceptibility towards cardiovascular diseases. Ensure 7-8 hours of sleep per night. Your body as well as your mind can function better with improved sleep hygiene practices.

• Regular Breaks and Vacations:

Most entrepreneurs feel guilty taking time off, but burnout is very real. It is important to your long-term health to take breaks throughout the day and schedule vacations or mental health days. These breaks will recharge your battery, make better decisions, and help maintain a better work-life balance.


The young executives in startups need to understand that they should manage stress, prioritize health, and maintain a sustainable work-life balance. In doing simple habits like exercising, having a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and handling stress properly, entrepreneurs will continue to build successful businesses while keeping themselves healthy.

And the fact is, a healthy startup needs a healthy leader. Take care of yourself and your business will flourish.


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